Monday, October 17, 2011

Photography Reborn Summary

The reading discusses the transformation of photography from analog to digital. Surprisingly, it considers digital photography to be more of an intimate practice than its predecessor. Keeping with my trend of commenting on the abundance of photographic resources available today, this reading casts more of a positive light on the trend than I had necessarily considered. As technology grows so do the possibilities. Photographers are able to capture, edit, print, and share their work within less than a day’s time. And, although the equipment might be more expensive, the time cost is significantly less because of the increased productivity. I suppose the intimate descriptor makes sense as the increased possibilities make it easy for the photographer to be more involved in manipulation of the image. They can control more variables, elements, and effects.
Perhaps a photographer can capitalize on the fact that digital photography continues to expand its realm of possibilities. Instead of being overwhelming and discouraging, it can be motivating. The digital world is fascinating and seems to be on an exponential growth pattern. And maybe the vast possibilities, which seem to clutter my creative and inspired mind space, can actually become more isolating and intimate than I have been willing to admit.

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