Friday, November 25, 2011

Grad Reviews

Brooks Dierdorff had some really interesting work displayed during Grad Reviews. His works directed at hunting culture referenced different aspects of the sport and its prey. In one piece a large print was displayed facing the wall and curled back towards the Arrow that pinned it. Another was a segmented print that was divided by two lights, which cast light on the image in order to demonstrate deer vision. On the opposing wall, Dierdorff displayed a series of works that explored the boundaries of inkjet printing. This series of work was particularly interesting to me because it coincided with the same approach that I have taken to my final project. His exploration of color and quality limitations ended up creating beautiful abstract prints.

A couple other artists in mediums other than photography utilized scanners and photocopiers or explored limitations of the digital in their work. Seeing the different approaches and interests was inspiring and encouraging as I continued to work through my final project. It was a bit of unexpected motivation.

1 comment:

  1. Great posting Valarie. Now, can you get your blog link relocated to the "our blogs" section of the class blog? And keep your name visible in the list of participants?
