Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Advanced Digital Photography: Intro paragraph

Valarie Cooley:
I am becoming more and more interested in the potential of staging and even slightly into the realm of the cinematic styles like Laurie Bartley. I especially love her attention to color and lighting within her work. Katharina Bosse has really drawn me in with her use of color and staging as well as Jeff Wall for the beautiful detailed staging he does while still bringing across an ambiguity to the viewer leaving us unsure of the image’s candidness. All these photographers are really skilled at shooting with people in the shots but move along the same vein, I also wanted to mention Dianne Arbus solely for her skillful way of portraying her subjects and drawing out the strange within them. All this being said, I am also extremely interested in the limits of digital photography and its processes. I did a couple projects for the intro class that didn’t use my camera at all using screen shots and my scanner. Blake Shell is an artist that was recommended for me to look at as inspiration for my final project in Digital 1. He experiments with the limits of the digital and internet world, which is similar to the direction I've been exploring with screen shots of video chatting and emphasis on the poor quality/resolutions that result.
Jeff Wall:

 Katharina Bosse:
 Laurie Bartley:
                                                                      Diane Arbus:
Blake Shell:

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