Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Ritchin Chapter 6

Chapter six in Ritchin’s After Photography could almost be seen as an account of the internet into a near virtual-reality. Exemplifying the Turing test in the beginning, the stage is set to think about the advancements in technology and their effect on our mentality. Ritchin discusses his participation in the New York Times development of an online resource and the growth of a web of images and information that was engineered to tailor to the individual’s interests. Virtual realities such as Second Life and the “serious game” such as Food Force or the US Army’s basic training bring to light the dynamic of social interactions and codes within technology and the web. The internet has developed into a collective consciousness with unlimited information while still allowing for individualized experiences for those who utilize it. Ritchin also addresses the amateur’s grown potential in the age of the Internet and shared information. The refined capacities of a single professional are being outdone by the limited potential of multiple amateurs. Just as we are seeing exemplified through other forms of technology advancement and availability of resources, the collective amateurs are able to provide more information and context to a scene than a hired professional. This isn’t always the case but the developing trends of the Internet are making that increasingly more realistic.

1 comment:

  1. for your info re turing test etc - drop by #phonar (.org) if you want to puck up the convo - cheers, j
